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Tuesdays: Play, Pass and Trash

It’s time for another addition of what to watch on Tuesday night aka what’s on Tuesday aka what is the best show on Tuesday night aka… well you got the point.


Glee: Come on, is there any doubt that Glee is on the play list. We have been waiting for the Britney Spears/Brittany episode all week and we cannot wait to see Brittany and Britney shine tonight. The tunes will be amazing. Slave 4 U, Toxic, Hit me Baby One More Time, Me Against the Music, Glee style! Our heads are going to explode. But even better, John Stamos or “The Stamos” as Jayma Mayes who plays Emma on the show calls him, will be making his debut on the show as well. See a clip of the Britney Spears Glee episode below and then tell us that you almost did not piss your pants:

Raising Hope: We don’t want to reward fox since they are considering pulling the plug on Lone Star but Raising Hope is one of the funniest and genuine shows we have seen in a long time. Moments of pure laughter mixed with some of the most tender moments on television how can we stay away? We can’t wait to see what Jimmy does next with baby Hope. We are going to pray she doesn’t fall out of the hole in the bottom of the family car floor or have to take another ride in a shopping cart in lieu of a stroller.

Detroit 1-8-7: Last week Michael Imperioli starred down a criminal and played the silent treatment with him until he confessed. The also saved an entire family from a sick murder suicide plot through some cunning hostage negotiation techniques. He also played training day with rookie Det. Damn Washington who got shot at the end of the episode. What is going to happen to night in the grittiest and best cop drama since NYPD Blue? We don’t know but we cannot wait to find out.

Parenthood: Adam and Sarah are working together. Crosby and Jasmine are trying to figure out what is best for Jabbar (who we love because he is cute and named after the evil guy in Aladdin). Julia is messing things up for daughter Sydney and stay at home father and husband Joel. All while Zeke and Camille chill and watch their kids messed everything up. Watching Parenthood gives us the same feeling we get after we devour a perfect cupcake, pure satisfaction and a longing desire to devour more.

The Good Wife: Yes we realize that it interferes with Detroit 1-8-7 and Parenthood. Obviously we will be watching one of these three 10 pm shows on Hulu. We are not sure which one will win out but obviously The Good Wife’s season premiere will take one of the coveted TiVo spots. Alicia is going to choose between Peter and Will tonight and for once we hope that Mr. Big takes a backseat.


NCIS and NCIS:LA: Sorry, we love you LL and we love NCIS in general but with Detroit 1-8-7 on the scene we are way too mentally drained to watch another crime or mystery unravel. Maybe next week

Running Wilde: Yes it is the show with the most potential but we cannot endure it this week and we cannot reward fox until we know that Lone Star is safe. Maybe it will be the best episode ever but if that is the case we will hear the reviews and possibly return next week.

Biggest Loser: Can we practice what we preach with portion control? Seriously? Two hours of tears and weigh ins. There are way too many contestants for us to like and dislike right now. Plus we will hear too much complaining during the first work out. If we wanted to hear people complain about their diets and workout routines we would go to the gym or the mall on a friday night when the teenyboppers are out in full flare. Better luck next week.

Life Unexpected and One Tree Hill: CW… let these shows go…


The Colony: Just when the colonist start to feel safe and secure they have the wind knocked out of them literally by a show executive who is deliberately trying to mess with their heads. Post-acpcolyaptic world, not enough food, patience wearing thin, it is a recipe for a disaster. Then throw in attacks, raids, kidnappings and fires all planned by producers and writers who put these people in the position they are in in the first place… brilliant! Watch this show now before some lawyer wises up and decides that Discovery network should not purposefully create situations likely to induce post-tramatic stress. Tonight the colonist will be taking the offensive and will be a planning attack… this should be interesting… no one will die (or at least we don’t think they will).

Teen Mom: It’s not trash tv Tuesday without our favorite show Teen Mom. Sophia and Farrah are looking for government benefits and paternity test. Maci is fighting with Ryan over Bentley. Amber and Gary are neglecting their child and providing her with a bad influence as they continue to make up to break up. Catelynn will probably deal with someone going to jail or rehab or endure more verbal abuse from her mother. Gosh, we love American reality TV. Plus maybe we will see more teasers from 16 and Pregnant (watch the trailer below):

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